Thursday, 6 August 2009

Caleb Churchill

Upsmacking (from "Horny Dog") © Caleb Churchill

Sunflower Feeder (from "Horny Dog") © Caleb Churchill

Horny Dog (from "Horny Dog") © Caleb Churchill

Flat Fat Cat (from "Horny Dog") © Caleb Churchill

Ascent (from "Horny Dog") © Caleb Churchill

Caleb Churchill graduated from Glasgow School of Art in 2009 with BA (Hons) Fine Art Photography

"Horny Dog"

"The images in this work are wide-eyed with lucid subjects. They are caught in a dream-like state. I wonder where the embraces have begun to begin and end. I have created images that embody the classic enlightenment with senders, receivers and something in between. They all become one with lyricism and rhythm, going from one image to the next with their myriad of associations. I have chosen not to define the muse while I allow her singularity whilst threatening to make her distinguishing features disappear. This is about trying to force a smile, to understand the essence of love and truth while reconciling sensitivity to the self.­"

See more here


Anonymous said...

These are some great photos.

Anonymous said...

oh hey Caleb.

Caleb said...
