Sunday, 9 August 2009

Hayley Raines

(from "Platonic Relationship") © Hayley Raines

(from "Platonic Relationship") © Hayley Raines

(from "Platonic Relationship") © Hayley Raines

(from "Platonic Relationship") © Hayley Raines

(from "Platonic Relationship") © Hayley Raines

Hayley Raines Graduated from University College Falmouth in 2009 with BA (Hons) Photography

"Platonic Relationship"

"Space: a realm of which physicality supports no notion. Though complex to define the double faceting of space has boundaries that are never constant and always being reset. By looking at the five Platonic solids and attempting to blur together physical evidence of built space with the psychological effects of built space; human constructions appear as mere shadows of what we mean them to represent. The focus on the atom as matter stretched out explores provisional boundaries and permeable space. The suspended figure shows a state where the body itself is a boundary; skin holding energy and matter. It becomes a co ordinate in time and space and, like the photograph, becomes an object. If the subject is to become object, the subject must become one with the surroundings. Without becoming dead, bodily excess - such as vomit - is the closest way to achieve this objectified state and become truly assimilated within the space."

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