Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Francesca Hall

© Francesca Hall

© Francesca Hall

© Francesca Hall

© Francesca Hall

© Francesca Hall

Francesca Hall Graduated from University College Falmouth
in 2009 with BA (Hons) Photography

“Initially inspired by the writings of Ian Sinclair and his views on ‘mapping’ it has led me to discover psychogeography, whereby you explore environments by instinct, finding the hidden, alternative space.

Fifteen paces is a focused exploration of my experiences. Taking time to notice things that occur in my daily life, existing alone amongst the backdrop of this urban lifestyle. Not the loud, projective subject matter, but the quiet, banal objects that survive in a space of their own. Constantly moving forward, remembering, not forgetting what went before, but always looking, seeking and finding something else, questioning my pause and choice for putting that moment, that object into the rectangular frame of a photograph. It has become as much a study of my surroundings as it has my identity, proving my existence amongst this commonplace matter. The pace of life in western society is in fast forward mode and people become blind to the beauty around them. I hope people can find a small piece of beauty amongst the work and take a moment to appreciate it for simply being it.”

See more here

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